They talk about us: Interview with the CDCC Board members in Prague’s Chamber magazine


The most recent edition of Prague’s Chamber magazine covers the Netherlands as a country of business opportunities which is congruent with the official name of the Round table hosted by the Prague Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce (CDCC) in October 2019 exclusively for members of these two organisations.

We highly appreciated the invitation to join this event in the series of Round tables that the Prague Chamber of Commerce organizes to introduce various countries and opportunities they offer to Czech companies and entrepreneurs,” commented Vladimíra van Aarle.

In the article for Prague’s Chamber magazine, the founders and the Board members of CDCC, Kateřina Velíšková and Vladimíra van Aarle, provided very enriching interview in which they shared the knowledge of what it takes to start a business in the Netherlands, but also about business conditions and opportunities for entrepreneurship as well as what the cultural differences are between the Czechs and the Dutch.

When asked if the Netherlands is indeed a country full of opportunities, Kateřina answered: “Yes, The Netherlands really does offer plenty of business opportunities for Czech companies and entrepreneurs. There is no need to be afraid. All it takes is a thorough preparation but most importantly not giving up after the first failure. Sometimes it might seem as a long shot, however, it is completely worth it. And the aspiration of our chamber is to firstly make sure that our Czech companies are ready for the run but also to make it easier for them and to navigate them in the right direction so they can successfully achieve the goal.”

For more info: or a link to download the magazine (written in Czech).