How to deal with the current Central European labour market challenges?

Labour Market Seminar photo
On 23 May 2019 the Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce and its member Déhora hosted the seminar Current Central European labour market challenges: Are you ready to face them?
The event focused on both challenges and opportunities that the Central European market is currently bringing to companies already active in the region or with intentions to enter the market. Due to stretched labour market, it has become more and more challenging for businesses to find and keep people, often finding themselves in a situation of endlessly looking for qualified and engaged employees. The seminar focused on how companies can deal with these challenges.
After an opening by Ben Jansen, CEO of Déhora Consultancy Group, Robert Ruhl, Economist and founder of Next Markets Advisory discussed possible solutions for the European market shortages and its cost implications. The keynote speech was followed by a presentation of Elro van den Burg, Managing Director of the Netherlands-Polish Chamber of Commerce focusing on Poland and its investment climate. Nunzio Totaro, Managing Director Déhora Czech Republic together with Lukasz Chodkowski, Managing Director Déhora Poland deepened into the workforce planning management and some interesting solutions for both employees and employers. They also shared some examples of efficient workforce management as implemented by Déhora at several customers bringing solid benefits for all concerned parties.
Robotization is playing a more and more significant role in contract logistics and various industries offering, among others, solutions for the stretched labour market. Jan-Willem Klinkenberg, Project Sales Director at TGW Logistics Group shared some trends and possibilities automation and robotization can offer.
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Panel discussion moderated by Katerina Veliskova, CDCC

After individual presentations, all speakers were invited to a panel discussion led by Katerina Veliskova, Board Member of the Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce focusing on the future of the labour market and how companies can get ready to face it today and in years to come.

The event was concluded by a networking session.
“The labour market situation in Central Europe with historically low unemployment rates is causing a headache to many companies. But there are solutions and smart business leaders can perfectly manage to deal with these challenges, ensure competitiveness of their businesses while becoming an employer of choice. This seminar and discussed solutions were a great proof of it,” commented Katerina Veliskova, CDCC.
The event was attended by around 40 people and was hosted in the Hotel Element in Amsterdam.
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