Category Archives: News

B2B Seminar of Czech ICT companies

On October 18, 2016 at the residence of Czech Ambassador, Ms. Jana Reinišová in The [...]

Business Mission to the Czech Republic

On 2 to 5 October 2016, the Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce organized a business [...]

Members of the CDCC joined a boat trip in Amsterdam water canals

On 7 September 2016 the Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce (CDCC) organized exclusively for its [...]

The Breach of Contract Under CISG

Introduction The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (hereinafter: ‘CISG’) [...]

The CDCC and its members joined the Embassy Festival in The Hague

On 3 September 2016, a wave of global culture swept through The Hague during the [...]

Minerva 21 and Polish Professional Women hosted Late Summer Event

Amsterdam, 31 August 2016 – Minerva 21 and Polish Professional Women (PPW) jointly organized the [...]

Starting 1 July 2016, more options for temporary leases of residence in The Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the tenant enjoys substantial protection under Dutch rental law. This has resulted [...]

The CDCC co-organized its second golf tournament

On 25 May, the Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with our patron member [...]

Legal seminar with Fort Advocaten

The topics were Attachment of goods and Rental of commercial property, delivered by a highly [...]

The CDCC Board Meeting

On 18 February 2016, the CDCC hosted its Board meeting during which the plan and [...]