The CDCC hosts a reception to mark its 10th anniversary

On 4 September 2024, the Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce (CDCC) with the support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Netherlands hosted a reception on the occasion of its 10th anniversary.

The reception was opened by H.E. René Miko, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in The Hague followed by Kateřina Velíšková, Executive Director of the CDCC.

Velíšková recollected the past ten years of the Chamber’s existence and highlighted some milestones in its history. She mentioned its foundation in May 2014 as the Czech Dutch Chamber of Commerce and the opening event hosted also at the Residency of the Czech Ambassador in The Hague. In 2020, the Chamber expanded its scope by becoming the Czech-Slovak Dutch Chamber of Commerce and as such started to support also Slovak businesses in the Netherlands. It was officially announced at a reception at the Slovak Embassy in The Hague in February.

The successful growth of the Chamber was put to a standstill by the COVID-19 pandemic. During these years, the activities of the Chamber were restricted to a minimum. Fortunately, the following years from 2022 brought a recovery.

“We are proud of all the achievements during the first ten years of our existence. We connect our members – Czech, Slovak and Dutch companies and entrepreneurs – with each other, through our events we share knowledge, and we provide consulting and promotional services to them. We are excited about the years to come and are committed to further supporting our members in growing their business,” said Kateřina Velíšková.

The reception was attended by members of the Chamber, the business community, and also representatives of other Central European Embassies and international organisations in The Hague. Next to the Czech Ambassador, the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, H.E. Juraj Podhorský joined the event.

The participants could enjoy some typical Czech dishes prepared for this special occasion in the beautiful premises of the Czech Residency in The Hague.


From left to right: Kateřina Velíšková, H.E. René Miko, Vladimíra van Aarle
From left to right: Vladimíra van Aarle, H.E. Juraj Podhorský, Kateřina Velíšková